Grant For Seminars And Conferences

Guidelines For Applicant 

  • Application form must be submitted at least two months prior to the Conference/Seminar. Once the form has been completed, please attach a copy of the response and email it to NSM President ( and Hon. Secretary ( 
  • Incomplete applications shall not be entertained. 
  • Please submit all official correspondence from the Organisers, e.g. letter of invitation, acceptance of abstract for presentation and others. Abstract acceptance is mandatory. 
  • Applicants are advised to abide by Appendix 1 Clause 6.0 of the Bye-Laws of Nutrition Society of Malaysia Education Fund. 
  • Applicant must be an active member with the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) for at least 2 years. 
  • All applications will be considered based on merit and the decision of the Council of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia is final. 


Click the link to apply:  Apply Here