FAQs - Weight Management
Question :
(BM) Saya mempunyai berat badan 68 kg dengan ketinggian 160cm.Berat badan saya mulai meningkat selepas saya melahirkan anak yang pertama. saya ingin tahu bagaimana untuk mengembalikan berat badan saya yang asal (55kg) dan apakah jenis diet yang boleh saya amalkan?
Answer :
Berat badan anda tidaklah begitu berat sangat. Tetapi ia telah melebehi paras yang disyorkan. Memang tepatlah anda mengambil tindakan dari sekarang untuk mengurangkan berat badan dan tidak tunggu hingga berat badan telah meningkat terlalu banyak.
Saya tidak dapat memberi nasihat kounsiling mengenai isu yang begitu kompleks melalui e-mail. Anda perlu jumpai seorang pakar diet, misalnya di hospital, untuk berbincang dan mendapat nasihat terperinci. Pakar tersebut perlu menanya beberapa soalan, termasuk memahami corak makanan anda. Saya harap anda dapat mengambil tindakan sesuai dan mencapai berat badan yang sesuai.
Sementara itu, anda boleh mendapatkan maklumat secara am mengenai corak makanan yang sihat, berasaskan piramid makanan. Saiz hidangan juga perlu dikawal. Anda perlu terus meningkatkan aktivi fizikal anda. Dengan keazaman anda pasti berjaya.
(BM) Saya mempunyai berat badan 68 kg dengan ketinggian 160cm.Berat badan saya mulai meningkat selepas saya melahirkan anak yang pertama. saya ingin tahu bagaimana untuk mengembalikan berat badan saya yang asal (55kg) dan apakah jenis diet yang boleh saya amalkan?
Answer :
Berat badan anda tidaklah begitu berat sangat. Tetapi ia telah melebehi paras yang disyorkan. Memang tepatlah anda mengambil tindakan dari sekarang untuk mengurangkan berat badan dan tidak tunggu hingga berat badan telah meningkat terlalu banyak.
Saya tidak dapat memberi nasihat kounsiling mengenai isu yang begitu kompleks melalui e-mail. Anda perlu jumpai seorang pakar diet, misalnya di hospital, untuk berbincang dan mendapat nasihat terperinci. Pakar tersebut perlu menanya beberapa soalan, termasuk memahami corak makanan anda. Saya harap anda dapat mengambil tindakan sesuai dan mencapai berat badan yang sesuai.
Sementara itu, anda boleh mendapatkan maklumat secara am mengenai corak makanan yang sihat, berasaskan piramid makanan. Saiz hidangan juga perlu dikawal. Anda perlu terus meningkatkan aktivi fizikal anda. Dengan keazaman anda pasti berjaya.
Question :
I would like to know if Cambridge Diet is safe for detoxification purpose? What about as slimming purpose if I use it as meal replacement?
There seems to have quite a bit of research done on this product, and quite internationally accepted too. I have read that medical doctors in overseas have use this product for obesity clinics too. Thanks for helping me.
Answer :
I am not familiar with the use of cambridge diet for detoxification. Is that what it is claimed to do ? You should ask how that happens, ie the mechanism of action.
As for the use of cambridge diet for slimming, it is extremely important it is used by a person who has been properly briefed of the basic of nutrition and dietetics. He should also be followed up by a qualified person such as medical doctor or dietitian.
Before you buy any of such product, ask for scientific evidence of its effectiveness. You must also bear in mind that anecdotal testimonials from a few individuals do not constitute scientific evidence.
The most effective and safe way to loose weight and maintain ideal body weight is by dietary modification and exercise. what is needed is determination to implement a regular programme of the 2 components I mentioned. Visit our website for healthy eating information.
I would like to know if Cambridge Diet is safe for detoxification purpose? What about as slimming purpose if I use it as meal replacement?
There seems to have quite a bit of research done on this product, and quite internationally accepted too. I have read that medical doctors in overseas have use this product for obesity clinics too. Thanks for helping me.
Answer :
I am not familiar with the use of cambridge diet for detoxification. Is that what it is claimed to do ? You should ask how that happens, ie the mechanism of action.
As for the use of cambridge diet for slimming, it is extremely important it is used by a person who has been properly briefed of the basic of nutrition and dietetics. He should also be followed up by a qualified person such as medical doctor or dietitian.
Before you buy any of such product, ask for scientific evidence of its effectiveness. You must also bear in mind that anecdotal testimonials from a few individuals do not constitute scientific evidence.
The most effective and safe way to loose weight and maintain ideal body weight is by dietary modification and exercise. what is needed is determination to implement a regular programme of the 2 components I mentioned. Visit our website for healthy eating information.
Question :
Hai I am XXX and age 27 to 28 ( on this coming July the 6 ) Height 185 cm and 90 to 100 kg ( may be ) My Question I have a big frame and need to know :
Answer :
I am sorry. You are asking several very specific questions which are not appropriate to be discussed in e-mails. You would have to see a nutritionist or dietitian to discuss in detail. We only provide general good nutrition messages.
Hai I am XXX and age 27 to 28 ( on this coming July the 6 ) Height 185 cm and 90 to 100 kg ( may be ) My Question I have a big frame and need to know :
- I have Hypertension and need to know how to maintan the blood presure.
- How to have a perfect died everyday and for ur opinion I not eat rice since I know my health condition I am realy feel stress and how to have a good stress managment
- Other people said u can get Hypertension if stress control your life, or maybe genetik problamme, or from your food what your opinion from this statement.
- I wanna be slim if I could and I thing I would in this matter I believe I can make it but I gonna feel tired coz I eat 2 pc bread for dinner and lunch and 1 for breakfest and I only take some ( a bit rice 1 a weeks ) what ur opinion?
Answer :
I am sorry. You are asking several very specific questions which are not appropriate to be discussed in e-mails. You would have to see a nutritionist or dietitian to discuss in detail. We only provide general good nutrition messages.